Unfortunately, some ministries are currently postponed until further notice.

Celebration Services: The purpose of this Church is to provide biblical teaching and preaching of the Word of God, so that everyone can experience the truth and freedom of God. The whole counsel of God's Word is taught. Our goal is that people will leave every service feeling refreshed, revived, and transformed because of His Word. Come experience the presence of God!
"For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12 NIV)
"For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12 NIV)

Children's Ministry: Adventures In Faith: Nursery will be provided for babies 0-3 years old. Our children's program teaches children from ages 4-12 years. We provide a safe, loving and fun environment for every child that that attends our church. Our vision is to teach the basic principles of the Bible, and to see children develop their own personal relationship with God through their faith in Jesus Christ. Our weekly class consists of funny and quirky object lessons along with fun games and delicious snacks.

Pre-teen/Youth Ministry - Joshua Generation: The vision is to raise a "new breed" of young believers for this generation. To train them to be sold out and dedicated to God. To help them see the greater calling in their lives and to reach out to non-church youth with the love of Jesus. Joshua Generation is an exciting place for the youth to enjoy themselves in a safe healthy environment. We teach them good morals, the principles of the Word of God, with a variety of games to play, and not to forget - food! Joshua Generation is the place for the youth to have fun and to be involved.

Prayer Ministry: Corporate prayer is scheduled on Wednesday at 7:00 PM before the evening service, and pre-service prayer takes place Sundays at 9:45 am. Prayer Seminars and Prayer Leader's Training will be offered at various times. All members are encouraged to participate in regular prayer. Your prayers will make a huge difference! Come and help shake our communities and the Nations of the world!

Women's Ministry: Arise Women: We are a ministry with the desire to see women healed and restored, spirit, soul and body. Arise Women meet on the last Thursday of every month @ 6:30 pm. Our vision is to reach as many women as possible with the love of God, and to see women walk in their God given potential in every area of their lives. Our meetings consist of Word based Bible teaching, sharing the love of God and building wonderful lasting relationships. Women's Arise Ministry meetings have been filled with laughter and a real bond of unity, from spa/relaxation nite to Christmas baking share, craft making and a variety of other activities.
Currently Postponed Until Further Notice.

Men's Ministry - Men of Valor: The purpose for Men of Valor is to encourage, empower and edify men to become greater men of God; becoming better husbands, fathers, and men in the community. Men will be challenged to become who God intended them to be in Him! Men of Valor meet one Saturday per month (see calendar). We do a variety of practical activities, discuss men's issues, hear the Word of God and enjoy a time of food and fellowship.

Music Ministry: Our music ministry is vibrant with singers and instrument players who have a heart to worship God corporately. We look forward to bringing praises and worship to God through song. David said in Psalms 150 "Praise ye the Lord...praise Him with the sound of trumpet...praise Him with the dance...let everything that hath breath praise the Lord". Our Music Team leads the congregation into the presence of God to minister unto Him and for times of refreshing.
Currently Postponed Until Further Notice.

Faith Foundations: These classes are designed to assist new believers and the un-churched to assimilate into the Christian life. Lessons in foundational Christian doctrine are taught through power-point sessions. A course booklet is provided and classes are free of charge. Classes run in 6-week blocks and usually take place Wednesday evenings.

Evangelism to all Nations: Faith City Church Geraldton has a greater role than just to the local church. We are committed to reaching out to the communities of Greenstone and surrounding First Nations for the Kingdom of God, carrying out the commandment of Jesus Christ which is to preach the gospel of salvation to all men Mark 16:15. Our goal is to compel the lost to receive Jesus into their hearts and to make Him Lord and Saviour of their lives. Proclaiming liberty to the captives and opening of the prison to them who are bound by the curse of the law, which is poverty, sickness, and spiritual death. John 3:16, Isaiah 61:1, Galatians 3:13.

Helps Ministry: The Ministry of Helps is much more than just shaking hands and passing offering buckets. Ministry of Helps is a vital part of the local church without the Helps ministry the local church would not function effectively. Come and use your gifts and talents in the local church for the Kingdom of God. The time has come for church members to begin doing the work of the helps ministry for the Glory of God.
Currently Postponed Until Further Notice.

Healing School: You don't have to feel tired or defeated over health issues anymore because healing is part of THE BLESSING, and it's for you! Join us every second Wednesday evening at 7 pm of each month for Healing Service and experience freedom in your spirit, soul and body. God's Word is life to those who obey it and health to their bodies (Proverbs 4:20-22), and you can use it to defeat the enemy! You can live free from sickness as you believe God—and once you do, He's right there with you every step of the faith journey. If you're believing God for a miracle in your body or would like to learn more about God's promises on healing come out to Healing Service.

WordShop Ministry: Our bookstore is established to assist believers to educate themselves in their Christian development. Faith-filled materials covering a variety of topics are available. Books, Bibles, CD's, DVD's, of music and Bible teaching are always in stock. Enjoy the latest publications from reputable authors and ministers. The Wordshop is open before and after church services.